Disewakan Apartemen Kemang Village 2BR – Luas 148m2
Hubungi Agen
- Tipe: Apartemen
- Status: Off Market
- Luas Bangunan: 148 m²
- Kamar Tidur: 2+1
- Kamar Mandi: 2+1
- Apartemen: Kemang Village
- Kota: Jakarta Selatan
- Sertifikat: PPJB
- Bentuk Tanah: Badan
- Furnished
- Lokasi Strategis
Apartemen Kemang Village
- Tower : The Ritz Tower (Private Lift)
- Luas Bangunan : Size 148 m2
- High Floor with Higher Ceiling (setara lantai 39)
- 2 Bedroom
- 2 Bathroom
- 1 Study Room
- 1 Maid Bedroom
- 1 Maid Bathroom
- Kitchen (Dry & Wet)
- Fully Furnished
- Very Well Maintained
- Sertifikat : PPJB
- Lantai : 39
Untuk informasi hubungi:
Julianto 0811 1822 800
Santi 081289206165
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